Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Mere Mirror Man

By Pat Davis (c) 2009
"In my beginning is my end . . .In my end is my beginning." T.S. Eliot

Is that really the me that others see?
How is it that I do not seem like me?
At six I wondered and looked
and looked again
I saw a boy looking back, not me
At sixty I still wondered and looked
and looked again
I see a grizzled fellow, still not me
What the mere mirror man misses!
In me there is so much more to see

A little sleep, a little slumber
A little folding of the hands to rest
Life flits through the mirror panes
The boy turns man to elder to boy
Eliot’s end is like the beginning
But the mere mirror man misses
In me there is so much more to see

So the question I do often ponder
Where is the mere mirror man that is truly me?
This I know one day like Him I shall be
When at last set free I shall see Him as He
But what I do wonder is will I at last
Find the mere mirror man that is me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But now we see in a glass darkly - BUT then face to face! How different things will be.
